#TACTIX :: Healthy resolutions that you can make AND keep for 2022
Here comes the countdown to 2022! And here comes the annual lists of resolutions that that we will make and break within a month. Sigh…the reality is that by the time February comes around, nearly 80% of people give up on their “list.” We make resolutions mostly with the idea of self-improvement – we try…
Read More#TACTIX :: Building a Strong and Stable Core
Building a strong and stable core is essential. When you’re trying to make the effort to stay healthy and exercise, the hardest decision is what should you focus on. Think of an apple. Once you make your way past the peel and the flesh of the apple, you find yourself at the core. The core…
Read More#TACTIX :: Keeping your fitness goals on Thanksgiving Day
Keeping your fitness goals on Thanksgiving Day You’ve been staying fit and healthy all year long, but if you are more nervous than the turkey at Thanksgiving, you are not alone. A typical fully loaded dinner contains as many as 3,000 calories, according to the American Council on Exercise (ACE). That number is more than…
Read More#TACTIX :: Managing Stress through Meditation.
Feeling Overwhelmed? Try Meditation to Reduce Stress Let’s state the obvious: We live in a stressful world. Trying to manage everyday tasks with your work, family, relationship, and even online environments can take a toll on one’s mental and physical health. Sometimes, we just need a moment to relax and breathe. That’s where managing stress…
Read More#TACTIX :: Stop slouching and fix your posture.
Good posture allows the body to function efficiently. Whether you realize it or not, most of us spend much of our day sitting at a desk, slouched on the couch TV binge watching, or suffering from “tech neck” flipping through endless social media posts. Am I right? The reality is…our posture is awful. Furthermore, our…
Read More#TACTIX :: Power, Hypertrophy, and Burn: What’s the Perfect Split for Weight training?
From Muscle Beach to your local gym, there’s an age-old question: What is the proper weight-training split? Your YouTube “experts” or local gym unwarranted advice-giver guy (every gym has one, I swear) might tell you, “just go as heavy as possible for as many reps as possible!”. Lifting until failure (inability to do another rep)…
Read More#TACTIX :: Practicing Wellness in an Ongoing Pandemic
Delta Variants and Doubling Down Way back in the beginning of 2021 (which feels like it was a decade ago), everyone was optimistic. Vaccines were rolling out, things were opening back up – we were ready to return to our lives. Anddddd then there was the delta variant. For many, it was in simplest terms,…
Read More#TACTIX :: Time Off, Active Recovery & Massage
“No such thing as a rest day, bro!” Perhaps you’ve heard something along these lines at your local gym. Of course training hard is important, but so is rest, active recovery and massage. There’s always someone who trains 7 days a week, full throttle every session until eventually, they stop showing up. Can you guess…
Read More#TACTIX :: The Truth About Healthy Diet
Are Fads For Real? Atkins, Keto, Carnivore, Paleo, South Beach – the list goes on and on. There are so many fad dietary trends out there, trying to remember them all is more exhausting than leg day (active recovery and massage therapy can help). The latest craze was Keto. The short-term effects were great. Although…
Read More#TACTIX :: Healthy Tips to Improve Your Quality of Life.
What’s going on, everyone? Welcome to #Tactix by Chiropractix, where we aim to help you improve your quality of life outside of our office. We’re not just a chiropractic clinic and massage therapy center – Chiropractix cares! It’s our sincere hope that through this new blog format, we can share some of our #tactix with you.…
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